School Menu

All children in Recpetion, Year 1 and year 2 are entitled to free school meals under the Universal Infance Free School Meal (UIFSM). 

Some children will be entitled to income based Free School Meals (FSM), this can be applied for through the Derbyshire County Council website. You can apply for Free School Meals at any time during your child's time at school, even if they are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If you think you may be eligible, please contact Derbyshire through the link above and apply - if you are eligible this gives the school access to Pupil Premium funding which can be used to support children in school. 

For those children not eligible for UIFSM or FSM school meals are currently charged at £3.25 per meal per day, this includes their main option, plus sides/vegetables, dessert/yoghurt/fruit and access to the salad bar. Fresh water is also available daily during dinner time. Due to rising costs  school meals charges will increase from 1st April 2025 to £3.30 per meal. 

All allergen information is displayed on the menu. If your child does have an allergy please contact the school office who can assist you with the application process through Derbyshire Catering Services in order for the catering team in school to accommodate your child's dietary requirements.  

Autumn/Winter Menu 2024/25

The Autumn/Winter menu will run until the Easter Holidays, at which point the menu will change to the Spring/Summer menu.